The Council of Democratic Clubs is an informal assembly of Democratic Club and Democratic Coalition presidents, or their designated representatives. The Council’s purpose is to foster communication and cooperation between Council members, to assist in building the organizational capacity of Clubs and Coalitions, to develop and implement projects that are beneficial to Council members’ operations, and engage in other activities as the Council deems appropriate. The Council of Democratic Clubs is not a governing body for the entities represented.
The Council of Clubs meets on the third Saturday of most months () to share ideas/tactics between Democratic clubs by: training on topics chosen by the clubs networking new club officers with Democratic club veterans fostering a spirit of cooperation and shared purpose
Some recent areas of communication and cooperation:
The San Diego County Democratic Party Council of Clubs is an organization comprised of Democratic club presidents. Founded in the early 1980s, the purpose of the Council of Clubs is to offer an informal gathering of Democratic club presidents or their designated alternates to exchange information, share experience, and work on projects as the Council deems appropriate.
The Council of Clubs will work in cooperation with all other Democratic Party organizations, such as the California Democratic Party (CDP) and the San Diego County Democratic Party (SDCDP) to further the goals and ideals of the Democratic Party as a whole and to identify, develop and elect Democratic candidates.
The Council of Clubs (Council) is an informal, relaxed and friendly gathering whose purpose is to promote unity and camaraderie among club presidents. It will generally operate by consensus. When votes are conducted, voting will be by voice or show of hands. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority. Voting members of the Council shall be the presidents of clubs chartered by the SDCDP or their designated club representative and must be present to vote (one vote per club). The Director of Clubs may vote to break a tie. Presidents of non-chartered clubs are encouraged to attend and participate in meetings in a non-voting status. The Council will meet on the third Saturday of each month at 10AM unless changed by the Council. The Council does not meet in December. The week prior to the meeting each club is asked to update their own club's website with the activities of the club. Each year, the Council selects a Club of the Year for the SDCDP’s annual awards. The Council will be a vehicle for official information exchange within all levels of the Democratic Party. Various organizations, candidates and elected officials may be invited to address the group. The Council may work on special projects as deemed appropriate by a majority of voting members at any regular meeting. Any action taken by the Council is advisory only and not binding on clubs. The Director of the Council of Clubs is elected at the November meeting of even numbered years and after ratification of the SDCDP Central Committee, serves on the Executive Board of the Central Committee as the Director of Clubs for the same term as the Executive Board. The Council may remove the Director of Clubs by a sixty percent (60%) vote. A vote to remove the Director must be noticed to the Council no less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which the vote will be held. The Director, if unable to attend a monthly meeting, may appoint a member to preside. The Council may collect and expend funds as deemed appropriate by a majority vote of Presidents at a regular meeting. All assessments are voluntary. The treasury of the SDCDP may be utilized for banking purposes. In order to take any action, one-third (1/3) of those eligible to vote must be in attendance. These standing rules may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote. Proposed amendments must be submitted no less than ten (10) days in advance and noticed to the Council seven (7) days in advance of the vote. Adopted January, 2017